QEST Form Mapper Installation Guide
Applies to QEST Form Mapper
This article details the installation process for the QEST Form Mapper product. This includes installation, configuration and solutions to common problems.
- 1 Overview
- 2 Installation guide
- 2.1 Prerequisites
- 2.1.1 Machine
- 2.2 Installation Files
- 2.3 Installation Process
- 2.4 Upgrades
- 2.1 Prerequisites
- 3 Configuration guide
- 3.1 Configuration Settings
- 3.1.1 Log Filter
- 3.1.2 File Logging
- 3.2 QEST.FormMapper.exe.config
- 3.2.1 configSections
- 3.2.2 log4net
- 3.2.3 userSettings
- 3.1 Configuration Settings
- 4 Troubleshooting guide
The QEST Form Mapper is a Windows desktop application, which is used to map fields in PDF forms to data elements in the QEST Platform database.
Installation guide
The following must be present in the target environment to install the QEST Form Mapper.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 or later.
Installation Files
The QEST Form Mapper msi file QEST Form Mapper v.Ma.Mi.B.R x86.msi where Ma, Mi, B and R are the major version, minor version, build and revision numbers. E.g. QEST Form Mapper v4.6.2905.43834 x86.msi
Installation Process
Run the provided installer.
Read through the license agreement and check "I Accept the terms in the License Agreement".
If necessary, adjust the install location by clicking "Advanced" and browsing for a new location.
Click "Install" to install the QEST Form Mapper. This may require administrator privileges.
The QEST Form Mapper is now installed and ready for use.
The installer will recognize any existing QEST Form Mapper installation. The existing installation will be automatically upgraded, therefore there is no need to uninstall before install. Any existing configuration files (e.g. QEST.FormMapper.exe.config) will be retained.
Configuration guide
Configuration Settings
Configuration settings are available by navigating to File -> Configuration in the application, which provide a way to configure how and where logs are saved and filtered.
Log Filter
If the "Filter the log" checkbox is checked, the application logs will be filtered to show logs of the selected severity level or higher.
The levels selected act hierarchically, therefore if Error is selected, only Errors will be logged, however, if Info is selected then Info Warning and Error will be logged.
Reporting filters can be selected from the Level drop down:
Note: If the "Filter the log" checkbox is NOT checked, all log levels will be reported.
File Logging
If the "Write the log to a file" checkbox is checked, the QEST Form Mapper will write all program logs to a file whose location is specified by the "Output Directory". The log filename will also contain a date and time stamp e.g. QEST Form Mapper.20171215T055406.log.
Note that these logs cannot be filtered and every log level will be recorded.
QEST.FormMapper.exe.config is the primary configuration file for the QEST Form Mapper application and resides in the destination folder of the application.
The config file contains the major sections listed below.
configSections defines the additional configuration sections used by QEST Form Mapper. Do not change this section unless advised to do so by Spectra QEST.
The popular logging system log4net, is used to provide logging for QEST Form Mapper. By default, log4net is configured to create a new logging file for each QEST Form Mapper session at the location specified in the configuration settings.
<appender name="FileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender">
<appendToFile value="true" />
<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
<conversionPattern value="%date %level %message%newline" />
<threshold value="OFF"/>
<appender-ref ref="FileAppender" />
For advanced configuration of log4net, the manual is available here: https://logging.apache.org/log4net/release/manual/configuration.html#files
This section defines the default values for settings in QEST Form Mapper's configuration settings.
<setting name="LogFilter" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="LogFilterLevel" serializeAs="String">
<setting name="LogToFileDirectory" serializeAs="String">
<value />
<setting name="LogToFile" serializeAs="String">
Troubleshooting guide
QEST Administrator Console
Cannot export the XSD file
This is a problem with the QIntegrator. Ensure that the QIntegrator is configured to connect to the QESTNet REST API. The most likely cause is an incorrect .config
file, please check the configurations for QESTNet and QIntegrator:
<add name="ApiService" assemblyName="QESTNET.Api" typeName="Spectra.QESTNET.Api.ApiStartup" webApiAddress="http://*:53535"/>
<add name="Api.Forms" assemblyName="QESTNET.Api.Forms" />
<install assembly="QESTNET.Api" />
<add key="qestNetApiLocation" value="http://localhost:53535" />
A binding redirect is also required for System.Net.Http
<assemblyBinding xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<assemblyIdentity name="System.Net.Http" publicKeyToken="b03f5f7f11d50a3a" culture="neutral" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
Cannot upload the completed PDF form to QESTField
The PDF that is uploaded must contain the correct ID which matches the form in QESTField otherwise it will not be uploaded. First please make sure that the form you are attempting to upload is the matching form.
To verify that QESTField is functioning correctly please:
Download a new PDF form by clicking on the PDF preview image.
Upload the downloaded form straight back to QESTField, without modifications.
If that is successful, download and fill out a new form appropriately and re-upload.
Misaligned Text
Due to the way some PDF viewers render form fields, text that is entered or mapped to form fields can appear misaligned.
This is due to the viewer itself and cannot be handled through QESTLab or the Form Mapper. There are two solutions to this issue: Either use a PDF Viewer that shows the text correctly aligned or adjust the location of the form field through a PDF editor, so that the resulting text is aligned correctly.
Reporting Errors
If the information above has not resolved your issue, the Spectra QEST Service Desk procedure (Product Support Procedure Overview) should be followed to report the problem.
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