Creating and Editing Work Orders

Creating and Editing Work Orders

Applies to QESTField Scheduler

This article discusses the addition and management of work orders in the QESTField Scheduler.


Creating Work Orders

New work orders can be created in two ways in the QESTField Scheduler. 

  1. The create image-20241212-030210.png  button in the Unassigned Work Order List can be used to create new work orders. The Work Order Editor appears where work order details can be filled out.

  2. Double clicking on the Schedule timeline will also bring up the Work Order Editor with the laboratory, assigned technician and start time filled out based on where in the timeline the double click occurred.

    1. The technician will be pre-filled to the technician from the row that was clicked

    2. The start time will be the time to the nearest half-hour that was clicked

    3. The laboratory will be selected, in order of preference:

      1. The selected technician's home laboratory, if this laboratory is selected in the Search Criteria

      2. The first laboratory selected in the Search Criteria if the technician's home laboratory is not available

Most of these fields will be familiar to users of QESTField or QESTLab with a few special exceptions:

  • Work Order Type is a drop-down to define the type of work order that is to be created. In a given browser session, the drop-down will retain the last selected value. The following options are available in this drop-down:

    • Default

    • External Specimen Pickup

  • The Project Notes field is retrieved from and saved against the chosen project. It's imported when a project is selected, and exported back to the project when the work order is saved if it has been changed. This allows for the recording of project specific notes that are displayed both to the dispatcher in the scheduler as well as the assigned field technician in QESTField.

  • The Requested By and Requested By Phone Number fields are used to record who requested the work order. The values can be selected from a list of previously entered names and numbers from existing work orders with the same project. Entering a new value here will save the entry against the project for future use when the work order is saved.

  • See Controls, Searching and Filtering | Work Order Labels article for details on Labels

  • See Repeating Work Orders and Specimen Pickups article for details on the Repeat checkbox.

Work orders created here will be immediately available in other Spectra QEST products.


Adding a Billing Document

If the system level billing option Generate Billing on WorkOrder/Sample Complete/Update is set to a value other than Never (or blank) then creating a work order in QESTField Scheduler will also add an empty billing document to this work order. Modifying this option requires the System Aministrator general right.

External Specimen Pickup Work Orders

When the Work Order Type is set to External Specimen Pickup the following fields appear above the Work Instructions field.

None of these fields are mandatory. The work instructions are generated from the values in the fields noted below.







Specimen Type

A drop down listing the available concrete specimen types. Blank by default


Number of Specimens

A numeric input field noting how many specimens are expected to be picked up.

Nearest 1

Specimen Storage Location

A text input field denoting where the specimens should be picked up from.


Work orders of the type External Specimen Pickup will automatically include the Specimen Pickup Confirmation Worksheet

Editing Work Orders

Existing work orders can be edited by either double-clicking on them, or clicking the edit icon when the mouse is over them.


After editing:

  • General Details will always be saved immediately.

  • Assignment Details changes will only affect the draft schedule. They will be saved when timeline assignment changes are saved.

Extra information about work orders on the Schedule can be viewed by hovering the mouse over the info button on the Work Order Card. This will show the project name, work instructions and location for the given work order. This is useful for work orders with shorter durations where the information cannot be seen on the card at a glance.





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