TfNSW Nuclear Density Testing Workflows
Applies to QESTField Tests
This article covers the data entry process for entering test results related to TS 02795.36 Field wet density of road construction materials using a nuclear surface moisture-density gauge - Direct transmission mode.
- 1 Overview
- 2 Data Entry
- 2.1 Setup
- 2.2 Sample Details
- 2.3 Test Location
- 2.4 Field Density Test
- 2.5 Other Tests
- 3 Available Workflows
The data entry process in QESTField for TS 02795.36 is composed of a single-page workflow per shot of field density testing. This article will discuss how to add and complete data entry for a point of testing.
Data Entry
Refer to the Setup Section article for details on how to set the values on this section.
Sample Details
The sample details section provides fields for entering general information about the sampling process and material details.
Field Prompt | Expected Information |
Sample ID | An automatically generated identifier for this test point and any material sampled from the location. |
Container/Field Sample ID | Used to meet the requirements of AS 1289.1.2.1 Clause 8(g) to record where more than one container is used to collect a sample. If multiple containers are used, all relevant IDs should be recorded here. |
TRN | A Test Request Number (if one exists or is available) can be entered here if a different number needs to be used for each sample. Otherwise the work order level TRN field should be set in QESTLab. |
Client Sample ID | If the client has a sample number by which they would like to refer to this sample, it should be entered here. |
Sampled By | The name of the tester and sampler. Automatically set to the name of the currently logged in user. |
Date Sampled | The date of the test, automatically populated from today's date of the device being used. ImportantSince today's date is automatically populated when entering this data, care should be taken when performing data entry for previous days' work since this date will need to be manually adjusted for every point of testing on that work order. |
Time Sampled | The date of the test, automatically populated from the current time of the device being used. ImportantSince the time is automatically populated when entering this data, care should be taken when performing data entry for previous days' work since this date will need to be manually adjusted for every point of testing on that work order. |
Sampling Method | The sampling method applicable to the sample being taken. Options available here come from the Sampling Method list populated in QESTLab. If the free entry option is enabled on this list by a system administrator via the QEST Administrator Console, the setting will be honored by QESTField Tests. |
Source | General source of the material under test. Options available here come from the Agg/Soil Material Source list populated in QESTLab. |
Material | General description of the material or product under test, applicable to all samples on the work order. Options available here come from the Agg/Soil Materials list populated in QESTLab. If the free entry option is enabled on this list by a system administrator via the QEST Administrator Console, the setting will be honored by QESTField Tests. |
Soil Description | A soil description specific to the current sample. |
Test Location
Refer to the Setup Section article for details on how to enter location values.
Field Density Test
This section allows the user to enter the test data relevant to the TS 02795.36 test.
Field Prompt | Expected Information |
Mode | The mode of the nuclear gauge, locked to Direct Transmission for this test method. |
Density Gauge | The density gauge used for the test, from QESTLab's equipment register. |
Field DS | The field density standard count. |
Field MS | The field moisture standard count. |
Probe Depth (mm) | The depth of the nuclear density probe for Position A. |
Test Density Count | The density count at the test site from the gauge for Position A. |
Test Moisture Count | The moisture count at the test site from the gauge for Position A. |
Wet Density (t/m³) | The wet density value read directly from the gauge for Position A. |
Enter Measurements for Position B | The checkbox Test Position B is used to show the Position B section. This allows the user to enter details for Position B and results in the Nominal Wet Density being calculated from Position A and Position B results.
By default, this checkbox is unchecked. |
Probe Depth (mm) | The depth of the nuclear density probe for Position B. |
Test Density Count | The density count at the test site from the gauge for Position B. |
Test Moisture Count | The moisture count at the test site from the gauge for Position B. |
Wet Density (t/m³) | The wet density value read directly from the gauge for Position B. |
Moisture Content (%) | The moisture content value read directly from the gauge. |
Moisture Density (t/m³) | A calculated moisture density value from the moisture content. Can be used to check the dry density value by subtracting this value from the wet density. |
Dry Density (t/m³) | The dry density value read directly from the gauge. |
Depth of Layer (mm) | Depth of the layer under test. |
Other Tests
This section will show a list of other tests added to the sample with this workflow, usually laboratory tests to be subsequently completed.
Available Workflows
There are five alternative workflows for the TS 02795.36 test method, as listed below.
Variant | Behaviour |
Nuclear Density [TS 02795.36 ] (CWD) | Adds a converted wet density test, moisture content test and relative compaction test to the sample as the reference density test to be completed at the laboratory as well as the appropriate test reports. |
Nuclear Density [TS 02795.36] (CWD/Lot Conformity) | Adds a converted wet density test, moisture content test and relative compaction test to the sample as the reference density test to be completed at the laboratory as well as a lot conformity test to the work order along with the appropriate test reports. |
Nuclear Density [TS 02795.36] (MDD Std - Dry) | Adds a maximum dry density test, moisture content test and relative compaction test to the sample as the reference density test to be completed at the laboratory as well as the appropriate test reports. |
Nuclear Density [TS 02795.36] (MDD Std - Wet) | Adds a maximum dry density test, moisture content test and relative compaction test to the sample as the reference density test to be completed at the laboratory as well as the appropriate test reports. |
Nuclear Density [TS 02795.36] (Min/Max) | Adds a Maximum Dry Density Cohesionless test, moisture content test and relative compaction test to the sample as the reference density test to be completed at the laboratory as well as the appropriate test reports. |
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