Finding Samples and Worksheets

Finding Samples and Worksheets

Applies to QEST Web App

How to search for samples to find the right worksheet to work on.



QEST Web App (QWA) provides users with a simple, intuitive manner for finding the correct worksheet to begin, or resume, working on.

When starting a search, a list of the most recently used tests is provided to the user along with two options for searching the worksheets that the user has access to.

Getting Started




Selecting the Search icon in the navigation menu expands the left side panel, and provides access to the following features:

  • Simple search;

  • Recent tests;

  • Advanced search.

Worksheet Statuses

The current status of a worksheet is indicated by a circular icon that appears to the left of the test method name/number whenever the test worksheet is presented in a list by QWA . This applies to recent tests, simple search, advanced search and the worksheet header.







Testing not started

The test has only been registered but not yet started (no work progress entry exists for the test).

Testing in progress

The test has been started. The progress shown on the icon corresponds to the work progress percentage if work progress rules are configured for a test.

Testing complete/Ready for checking



The test has been marked as checked. The text next to this status will be in gray to show that the worksheet will be displayed as read-only when opened.

On a signed test report

The test appears on a signed test report. The text next to this status is gray to show that the worksheet will be displayed as read-only when opened.

Work progress rules can be configured and modified by a System Administrator.


Simple Search


Searching begins automatically when the user enters letters or numbers into the search field. QWA will find all matches with the entered values and Sample IDs and Work Order IDs. Additionally, when concrete samples are present in QWA, Concrete Set prefixes will be included in the matching process.

The results of the search process are listed below the search field as follows:

  • The results are grouped by Work Order and sorted by the date accessed of the most recently accessed worksheet within each Work Order.

  • A maximum of ten (10) Work Orders are displayed.

  • Additionally, the samples displayed by the search process will be restricted to samples with a Date Sampled within the last 30 days.  If the sampled date has not been set, the fallback date will revert to the parent work order work date. If the parent work order work date has not been set then the sample created date will be used.

Accessing a Worksheet

  • Any of the listed worksheets can be opened by selecting them.

  • For concrete samples, the Concrete Sample document can be opened directly, or through its Concrete Set section.


Consider a sample ID structure like STH21-W20-S03. If a user enters a search value “W20” then all samples on work order W20 will be returned. If the query is expanded to “W20 3” then sample 3,13* 23* will be returned (*if they exist). If “W20 03” is entered then only sample 03 will be returned.

Clicking on the left arrow within the search pane or clicking in the gray area on the right side of the screen will close the simple search pane.


Recent Tests

By default, the section Your recent tests will display the ten most recent test worksheets that the currently logged in user has worked on. These worksheets are sorted by the worksheet access date and time, with the most recently accessed listed first.

The displayed list has the same behaviour as the results list for the Simple Search.


Advanced Search

If none of the matches displayed from the simple search are appropriate, the user is provided with a link to the Advanced Search.






Search for Sample ID or Work Order ID

The same behavior as the search box in Simple Search if only recent tests are being searched, otherwise a full sample ID is required.

Only Recent Tests

Check box that restricts the search to samples from the last 30 days if checked. If unchecked, the search will require that an exact sample ID match is entered. Text explaining this restriction to the user is shown under the text box.

Test Status

Radio buttons that denote which statuses the filter should look for by default.

Test Methods

Restricts the search by a given set of test methods. If empty, there are no restrictions. The set of items in the list box are the test methods that will restrict the search. The input text box above the list box can auto-complete the user's entry. When the user selects a suggested test method, it is added to the list as an item that can be deleted. Multiple test methods can be added.



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