ASTM D698 Standard Proctor
Applies to QEST Web App
This article describes how to determine the Maximum Dry Unit Weight and Optimum Water Content using the ASTM D698 Standard Proctor worksheet.
Qest ID: 110416
- 1 Overview
- 2 Embedded Tests
- 3 Data Entry
- 4 Results
- 4.1 Maximum Dry Unit Weight Chart
- 4.1.1 Chart Scaling
- 4.1.2 Curve Fitting
- 4.2 Laboratory Results
- 4.1 Maximum Dry Unit Weight Chart
- 5 Equipment List
- 6 Reporting
- 6.1 Proctor Test Report
- 6.1.1 Properties
- 6.1.2 Reported Values
- 6.1 Proctor Test Report
- 7 Batch Update Support
- 8 Work Progress and Complete Status
The ASTM D698 Standard Proctor worksheet covers the laboratory compaction methods used to determine the relationship between molding water content and dry unit weight of soils (compaction curve), compacted using Standard Effort.
This article provides information on how the various choices available within the QEST Web App worksheet for this test method provide the required pathways to deal with the variations within the test.
This worksheet contains a wide grid for some results.
When using tablet devices, landscape orientation will allow more of the grid to be shown at once.
Embedded Tests
General functionality is described in the article Associated Test Results.
The following associated test methods are embedded in this worksheet:
ASTM D2216 Water Content
ASTM C127 Relative Density (Specific Gravity) and Absorption
Data Entry
This article uses the following abbreviations throughout:
MDUW for Maximum Dry Unit Weight
OWC for Optimum Water Content
This section allows some preliminary details to be recorded, such as how the test portion was prepared, and what the compaction method to be used is and how it was determined.
There is also provision for additional material description details to be added, if required.
Selection | Action |
Default - Preparation Method recorded as “Moist”. | |
Preparation Method recorded as “Dry”. | |
Default - no action required | |
An input field, to allow a Visual Description of the material being tested, is provided. | |
Default - Compaction Method is unable to be determined until the proportion of oversize material is determined. | |
Compaction Method is displayed as a group of radio buttons for the user to make a selection. Default: | |
Oversize Determination
Selections made from the Oversize Proportion Determined By set of radio buttons configure this section to provide the necessary fields to obtain the required particle size information for the oversized material.
Selection | Action |
| Default Selecting Measured as part of this test as the determination method causes fields to be made available to determine a partial grading of the material, based on the oversize sieves. If the oversize determination is carried out as part of this test, the Passing Material Water Content is required to determine the oversize percentage. |
Selecting Import from another test as the determination method allows the results from another test to be made available for data entry, as per Associated Test Results | Import from Another Test. | |
Selecting External source as the determination method causes the standard fields for an external source, as per Associated Test Results | External Source, to be made available for data entry. |
Passing Material Water Content
This section records the determination of the water content of the material that is smaller than (passes) the selected oversize sieve.
Selection | Action |
The Passing Material Water Content Determined By radio button set is available to select how the water content is obtained. If the oversize determination is being carried out as part of this test, this selection is locked to Yes as the result is necessary to determine the oversize percentage. | |
No action required. | |
| Default Selecting Measured as part of this test as the determination method causes an embedded version of ASTM D2216 Water Content Test to be made available for data entry. The dry mass in the embedded water content will be available for dry mass data entry in the Dry Mass Entry grid. |
Selecting Import from another test as the determination method allows the results from another test to be made available for data entry, as per Associated Test Results | Import from Another Test. | |
Selecting External source as the determination method causes the standard fields for an external source, as per Associated Test Results | External Source, to be made available for data entry. |
ASTM D4718 Oversize Correction Data
In order to correct the Proctor test results for the existence of oversize, ASTM D698 references ASTM D4718. This requires that the percentage of coarse material is known as well as the relative density and water content.
Relative Density (Specific Gravity) of Oversize
From the data entry point of view, the function of this sub-section is to provide a result from an ASTM C127 Relative Density (Specific Gravity) and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate test, carried out on the oversize particles.
The source of this value is selected by using the Determined By radio button set.
Selection | Action |
Default Selecting Measured as part of this test as the determination method causes an embedded version of ASTM C127 to be made available for data entry. | |
Selecting Import from another test as the determination method allows the results from another test to be made available for data entry, as per Associated Test Results | Import from Another Test. | |
Selecting External source as the determination method causes the standard fields for an external source, as per Associated Test Results | External Source, to be made available for data entry. |
Water Content of Oversize
Test Fraction Specific Gravity
The specific gravity, of the material that actually gets compacted (i.e. with oversize removed), is required in order to calculate, and chart, the 100% Saturation (Zero Air Voids) line.
As per ASTM D698 11.4.1, the specific gravity of the material can be an assumed (estimated), or a measured, value.
Selection | Action |
Default - A value is expected to be entered here: | |
| Displays the Determined By radio button set to allow the user to select how the Test Fraction Specific Gravity value is determined. |
| Default Selecting Import from another test as the determination method allows the results from another test to be made available for data entry, as per Associated Test Results | Import from Another Test. |
Selecting External source as the determination method causes the standard fields for an external source, as per Associated Test Results | External Source, to be made available for data entry. |
The details of the individual test portions compacted at different water contents, and the equipment used, are recorded in this section. The wet unit weight is calculated, for each test portion, after the compaction procedure. Details of the water content determination are also recorded here. On completion, the water content and dry unit weight of the compacted test portion are calculated.
In this document, these individual test portions are also referred to as a compaction points.
Equipment Used
As per standard QEST platform practice, the identity of individual equipment items used for testing can be recorded by selecting from the appropriate equipment lists.
Details required for setting up equipment lists can be found here.
Equipment, where further information is provided, is shown below.
Compaction Mold
When a mold is selected, the Mold Mass and Volume are imported into the appropriately named fields, if they are provided in the equipment calibration.
Using the same equipment item for multiple test portions
The checkbox, labelled Use for all test portions, facilitates the re-use of properties and/or calibration values of an equipment item used in calculations by multiple test portions. Further information can be found here.
Compaction Data
By default, data entry space for four test portions is provided. More can be added, if required.
Selection | Action |
Default - no action required. | |
For more details, refer to Converted Wet Density sub-section below. | |
Default - all entered values for mass are expected to be in grams (g). | |
All entered values for mass are expected to be in pounds (lb). |
Converted Wet Density
The Converted Wet Density feature is provided to assist Laboratory Technicians, undertaking this test, to judge their progress in achieving the maximum compaction condition.
A converted wet density value (CWD) is an estimated dry density value based on the measured wet density value and the available water content information (west).
The converted wet density chart plots CWD values against the west values in the same way that the final results are plotted.
If the fine material (passing material) water content is available, this is included in the calculation of west and results in a reasonable estimate of the MDUW.
If the fine material water content is not available, plotting these values still provides a good indication of the shape of the compaction curve. This allows the technician to make an informed judgement as to whether further compaction points will be required, and if so, how much water should be added.
When the Enter converted wet density data checkbox is ticked, the following things happen:
(1) An additional chart for converted wet density is added to the worksheet.
Points are plotted as results are made available.
The curve is not drawn until all the points are available.
(2) Extra fields are inserted into the Compaction Data grid
Passing Material Water Content = 1.1 %
Field Label | Description | Notes |
Portion Mass (g) | The mass of the test portion to be prepared for compaction. | A value is always required |
Water Added Target (%) | The desired percentage of water to be added to the test portion. If a value does not exist for Actual Water Added, this value is used in the converted wet density calculations and chart. | At least one of these fields is required to have a value |
Water Added (g) | The actual mass of water added to the test portion. | |
Water to Add (g) | The calculated mass of water to be added to the test portion. | Calculated fields |
Actual Water Added (%) | The calculated percentage of water added to the test portion. If this value exists, it is used in the converted wet density calculations and chart. |
Water masses and percentages can be negative, indicating that the water content of the test portion has been reduced by drying from its “as received” condition.
Water masses and percentages of zero indicate that the water content of the test portion is its “as received” condition.
Passing Material Water Content = 7.1 %
Water Content Determination
The water content of of each compacted test portion is determined, in accordance with ASTM D2216.
Once the water content is determined, the Dry Unit Weight of the compacted test portion is calculated.
The dry masses in the embedded water contents in the grid will be available for dry mass data entry in the Dry Mass Entry grid if the trial point is not excluded.
Excluded Points
Ticking the Exclude Point checkbox for a test portion excludes that point/test portion from the data set used to create the chart for the proctor test and calculate results.
Laboratory test results are shown as both a chart and numeric values.
Maximum Dry Unit Weight Chart
Compaction Curve: Dry Unit Weight vs. Water Content
Corrected Curve: Dry Unit Weight corrected for oversize material vs. Water Content
100% Saturation Curve: Dry Unit Weight vs. Water Content for Saturation
Chart Scaling
Selection | Action |
| Default - no action required. |
The appearance of the chart can be changed by using the following:
Dry Unit Weight to Water Content Ratio
By default, the major graduations of both axes of the chart are set to represent unit values, that is 1 lbf/ft3 and 1%. This set of radio buttons allows this to be changed.
Ratio | Explanation |
0.5:1 (1:2) | The major graduations on the:
1:1 | Default - the major graduations on the:
2:1 | The major graduations on the:
Water Content Start
This value sets what is the smallest (left-most) value of Water Content that is to be displayed on the chart.
When this value is null, the minimum value of Water Content is determined automatically by the worksheet.
Water Content Division Size
This sets the value of how much the distance between major graduations on the horizontal axis represents in term of Water Content%. If no value is entered, the default value is 1%.
Changing this will also change the scaling of the vertical axis (Dry Unit Weight) because of the relationship between the two axes represented by the Dry Unit Weight to Water Content Ratio.
Curve Fitting
To draw the charts, the worksheet can use one of two curve fitting processes:
Bézier curve
Cubic spline
The best type of curve to use will depend on the points available and can be chosen by the user.
By default, the Bézier curve will be selected. This default setting can be changed - see below.
Selection | Result |
| |
Setting Default Method
The option, MddCurveFittingAlgorithm, can be used to set the default curve fitting method. Valid values for this worksheet are:
1 - for Bézier curve;
2 - for Cubic spline.
The option discussed in this section is a document level option in the QEST Platform. These affect the operation of the system as a whole where changing the option changes the functionality for everyone using an instance of the QEST Platform. As a result, the ability to change these options is generally limited to users with the System Administrator right.
Laboratory Results
Numeric values are shown for the following values:
Maximum Dry Unit Weight (lbf/ft³)
Optimum Water Content (%)
When required, the above results, with the correction for oversize material applied, will be displayed.
Adjusted Maximum Dry Unit Weight (lbf/ft³)
Adjusted Optimum Water Content (%)
Equipment List
For equipment to be available for selection in equipment drop down boxes, the equipment item must first be created in QESTLab's Equipment list. Refer to article Creating Equipment.
The following equipment can be selected on the worksheet:
Worksheet Equipment Name | Equivalent to Qest Equipment Item (Qest ID) |
Balance | Balance (30005) |
Sieve | Sieve (30137) |
Oven | Oven (30004) |
Mold | Density Mould (30002) |
Hammer | Hammer (30003) |
Some equipment on this worksheet imports equipment properties or calibration values.
Ensure that these properties and values are set on the relevant equipment in order to avoid having to enter these values every time.
The results from this worksheet can be reporting on the following test report.
Proctor Test Report
QESTID | 110031 |
Name | Proctor Test Report |
Child Of | Test |
Reported Values
Field | Database Field Name | Unit | Precision | Condition |
Std. Maximum Dry Unit Weight | MaximumDryUnitWeight | lbf/ft³ | Nearest 0.1 | Always |
Std. Optimum Water Content | OptimumMoistureContent | % | Nearest 0.1 | Always |
Test Portion As-received Water Content | MoistureContent | % | Nearest 1 | Always |
Retained on 3/4″ Sieve | OversizePercentage | % | Nearest 1 | Always |
Passing 3/4″ Sieve (%) | 100.0 -OversizePercentage | % | Nearest 1 | Always |
Cumulative Retained on 3/8″ Sieve | OversizePercentage2 | % | Nearest 1 | Always |
Retained on 3/8″ Sieve | Tba | % | Nearest 1 | Always |
Passing 3/8″ Sieve | 100.0-OversizePercentage2 | % | Nearest 1 | Always |
Cumulative Retained on No.4 Sieve | OversizePercentage3 | % | Nearest 1 | Always |
Retained on No.4 Sieve | Tba | % | Nearest 1 | Always |
Passing No.4 Sieve | 100.0-OversizePercentage3 | % | Nearest 1 | Always |
Method | MethodUsed | Text | N/A | Always |
Preparation Method | PreparationMethod | Text | N/A | Always |
Rammer Type | HammerDescription | Text | N/A | Always |
Test Portion Specific Gravity | TestFractionSpecificGravity | N/A | Nearest 0.01 | Always |
Corrected Maximum Dry Unit Weight | AdjustedMDUW | lbf/ft³ | Nearest 0.1 | Only when required |
Corrected Optimum Water Content | AdjustedOMC | % | Nearest 0.1 | Only when required |
Oversize Specific Gravity | SpecificGravity | N/A | Nearest 0.01 | Only when required |
Oversize Particles | PercentageRock | % | Nearest 1 | Only when required |
Batch Update Support
This worksheet is not supported on the batch update page.
Work Progress and Complete Status
The work progress rules noted below are the default set of rules for this test.
These may be overwritten by system administrators and therefore behave differently on each QEST Platform instance.
Progress (%) | Criteria |
0% | Sample has been created and this test has been added. |
50% | All compaction points have a wet density. |
100% | Test is complete |
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