Electronic Worksheet
QEST Platform 4.91
Applies to QESTLab
These articles describe how to use the workflows relating to the data entry for concrete tests, using the Electronic Worksheet.
QESTLab provides an electronic worksheet for entering test data for all specimens for a particular date, regardless of project.
The electronic worksheet may be used to enter data directly into QESTLab during testing or to enter data written on a printed daily worksheet.
Section 1
Step 1. Expand the Tests/Documents node in the tree and select the filter Concrete Compression Tests. Note that this is not the daily worksheet discussed earlier, which is found under the Reports area in the tree.
Section 2
Step 2. The Concrete Compression Tests filter is displayed in the data filter area.
Notice that the date defaults to Today.
If a different date is required enter the date or use the calendar to select the date.
You may also limit the search further by entering a sample ID or a fieldsheet ID.
Run the filter by clicking the Refresh button.
Section 3
Step 3. The specimens are displayed in the tree, grouped by test type. Note that this grouping may be slightly different for your organisation.
Section 4
Step 4. Click on the test type node in the tree (eg. click on COMP100). The specimens are displayed in the right hand window ready for data entry.
2 Searching for concrete samples using the sample or fieldsheet ID
You may also want to search for particular concrete samples rather than displaying the electronic worksheet for specimen data entry. To do this follow the steps below:
Step 1. Select the Samples node in the tree.
Step 2. In the filter area, select either Concrete Samples or the Concrete Sample Groups filter.
Step 3. Enter a sample ID, fieldsheet ID or other search criteria and run the filter by clicking the Refresh button . The samples will be displayed in the tree.
Section 5
Step 3. The specimens are displayed in the tree, grouped by test type. Note that this grouping may be slightly different for your organisation.
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