Construction Hive User Administration and Rights

Construction Hive User Administration and Rights

Applies to Construction Hive

This article explains the Construction Hive user management features as well the available roles and what rights each role bestows.


Managing Users

User Roles are managed in Construction Hive through the Manage Users link on any Manage Company page. This page provides access to a number of features related to user management, most importantly the ability to grant extra rights to users that are part of the publishing company.

Regardless of the settings here, all users will have access to documents that they publish and those documents published to them.

User Roles

User roles are defined through the User Roles page. The rights discussed below for each role apply for the company that the user is a part of as well as any subsidiaries of that company.


Company Administrators will be granted all rights discussed below without needing any extra roles to be granted.

Personnel Manager

Personnel Managers can invite users to and move between companies that they have access to. Personnel managers can additionally assign roles to users.

Project Manager

Project Managers can view project information pages and map export configurations to projects as well as delete and add new revisions to documents on the project.


Exporters can export reports and data that they have access to from projects that allow exporting to I2MS (Texas only) or other supported document management systems.


Publishers can publish documents to Construction Hive on existing projects directly using the Publish page. Additionally, if Milestone Reporting is enabled for the company that the user is a part of, then they are able to publish milestone reports. Publishers can view all projects within a company.


This right is not necessary for users that only wish to publish reports from other QEST Platform products (e.g. QESTLab and QESTField).

Document Viewer

Document Viewers can view, print and forward all published documents for companies that they have access to.

Digital Seal User

This role will only appear for companies that have digital sealing enabled. Please see Digital Sealing Company Checklist and Setup for more information on enabling the digital sealing functionality.

Digital Seal Users will be able to use the digital sealing functionality in Construction Hive provided they have met the necessary prerequisites as defined in Digital Seal User Setup.

Billable Right

Enabling this right for a user will mean that they count towards the total number of digital sealing users within an organization for billing purposes.

Report User

Report Users are able to make use of the existing Analytics Reports.

Deleting Documents

The ability to delete documents from Construction Hive does not come directly from any role but is instead granted to:

  • The user who published a report, regardless of other roles

  • Any user with the Administrator or Project Manager role on the company

Removing Membership

Removing a user's membership from a company will mean that they are no longer recognized as belonging to that company. They will lose any roles granted to them when they were part of that company but will retain access to reports that they published or were published to them.

Transferring Membership

Users can be transferred between subsidiaries of the same parent company. Useful when individuals move between offices of the same organization.

Lost Invitation Emails

If the invitation email for a publishing user is ever lost, it is possible to re-generate it by hovering over the down arrow next to Remove Membership and selecting the Send Invitation Email option.

Adding Users

See Adding Construction Hive Users for Publishing Companies for more information on adding users.

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