Logging In

Logging In

Applies to QEST Web App

The following article describes how to log into the QEST Web App.



Test worksheets that are available in QEST Web App can be accessed through the test screen in QESTLab or directly through a web browser.

QESTLab Application

QEST Web App test worksheets can be accessed through QESTLab in the same way as native QESTLab worksheets after the user is logged into QESTLab. No separate login is necessary.

QEST Web App

Logging into QEST Web App through a web browser requires the user to first navigate to the appropriate QEST Web App URL for their organization.

IT support or the QEST Platform Administrators in any organization should be able to provide details on the necessary URL.

If the user has previously logged into the QEST Web App on the browser, they will not need to log in again.

Depending on the setup of the QEST Platform, one of the following will then occur.

Windows Integrated Authentication

If the QEST Platform has been configured to use Microsoft Entra ID for authentication and the Microsoft Edge browser is being used on a machine that has authenticated against the same Entra ID instance, the user should be automatically logged in.

Microsoft Entra ID Login

If the QEST Platform has been configured to use Microsoft Entra ID for authentication and a different browser is being used, the user will be presented with a page containing a button to log in with Microsoft Entra.


Clicking on this button will cause the Microsoft login challenge to be displayed. If there are issues getting to the challenge or there appears to be no action after selecting the login button, your browser may be blocking this window. Be sure to check the browser settings for pops-ups and ensure they are enabled or allowed.

The login challenge is completed differently depending on the policies in use at the user’s organization.

24-14-11 11_43_28_440.png

The user’s company credentials should be used to log into the product in this case. After a successful login, the QEST Web App home page should be shown.

An unsuccessful attempt will simply show the login page, allowing the user to attempt to log in again.

QEST Platform User Not Found

If the following error message is shown instead, it means that the Entra user that logged in has not been mapped to any QEST Platform user:

No user could be found with an OAuth UUID of: ########-####-####-####-###########

Pkce_Not_Created Error

If the following message is shown, it likely means that the QEST Web App is being accessed through the unsecure http protocol rather than the secured https protocol, https must be used.

Failed to log in using Microsoft Entra. Error: pkce_not_created: The PKCE code challenge and verifier could not be generated.

QEST Platform Login

If the QEST Platform has not been configured to use Microsoft Entra ID for authentication, the user will be presented with the QEST Platform login page. The username and password required to log into the QEST Web App is the same as the credentials used for QESTLab or QESTField.



Clicking on the eye icon will reveal the entered password to aid in catching any potential mistakes.


Once logged in, if the user's password has expired or does not meet minimum password requirements, the password will need to be changed before proceeding.



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