Lost Connection Dialog for QEST Web App Tests

Lost Connection Dialog for QEST Web App Tests

Applies to QEST Web App

An explanation of the dialog displayed when a device loses connection with the QEST Web App.



If a user loses their internet connection during data entry on a test implemented in the QEST Web App, including where these are accessed through QESTField, a dialog will be immediately shown informing users of the situation.

Lost Connection Dialog

If a user loses their internet connection, they will be shown a dialog containing the following information:

  • That a connection has been lost

  • Details of data that could not be saved

Three buttons are provided as possible actions for the user:

  • Try Again

  • Refresh (unsaved changes will be lost)

  • Cancel

User Actions

When the details of any unsaved data are shown, the user will have the opportunity to record this data elsewhere. The following actions can then be attempted:





Try Again

If the connection has been restored, try the last save/synchronize action again.

Refresh (unsaved changes will be lost)

If the connection has been restored, reload the last known state from the server, This will result in the loss of any unsaved data.


If the Try Again and Refresh actions fail for the user repeatedly (due to no internet connection), the user can hit the Cancel button and be able to see the worksheet again.




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