Concrete Sample Document for QEST Web App

Concrete Sample Document for QEST Web App

Applies to QESTLab, QESTField and QEST Web App

The Concrete Sample document is the keystone document for concrete testing in the QEST Web App. This article explains how it is used to record information for concrete samples and specimens.



This document is the over-arching element for all testing (field and laboratory) that is undertaken on a sample of concrete material.

The sample document itself holds data related to

  • ID numbers (internal and client)

  • Location details

  • Mix Details

  • Applied Specification

Documents are added to, and displayed on, the sample document to enable the recording of data for:

  • Sampling

  • Field testing

  • Set(s) of specimens

    • Making and curing of specimens

    • Laboratory measurement and testing of specimens

Concrete Sample Page


Description of Sections



This section contains fields that hold information about the project that the Work Order belongs to. Information displayed here cannot be edited on the Concrete Sample worksheet. Clicking the Work Instructions and Project Notes link will display those fields from the Work Order.



This section contains fields to record the usual information used to identify individual samples.

Sampled By Others

This checkbox is used to indicate whether sampling was carried out by staff internal to the organization using the QEST Platform or whether the result was provided by a third party.






No action required.

Unticking the checkbox, after it has been ticked, will not restore any information deleted by ticking the checkbox.

  • A Confirmation message is provided.

  • If Yes is selected:

    • The Field Technician dropdown list is cleared and locked.

    • All selections already made in radio button sets, in field tests, are cleared.


Capture Coordinates

This checkbox denotes whether GPS coordinates will be captured from the device being used for data entry and/or recorded for the sample.






No action required.

Unticking the checkbox, after it has been ticked, will delete any data entered in the coordinates fields while the checkbox was ticked.


The extra fields for recording the coordinates are made visible.

Captured Coordinates


Mix Details


Currently, all the information in this section comes from previously prepared, or auto-generated lists. This means that information cannot be entered directly into this section. New information, for most of the fields, will need to be entered into the appropriate list(s) before it can be entered on the worksheet. More information can be found in the article Concrete Sample Mix Details .

Sampling Details

This section has a dropdown containing a list of all the sampling methods available to the current laboratory, and an Add button.


Selecting a sampling method is a two step procedure:

  • The required method is first selected in the dropdown, and then,

  • The Add button is clicked to confirm the selection.


After the user selects and adds a sampling method, the embedded version of that worksheet is shown in the concrete sample document. If the sampling method allows for field tests to take place, the Field Testing section is also shown at this point .

Only one sampling method can be selected for a sample. If an incorrect choice is made, a Delete button is provided on the sampling worksheet to allow for the removal of the current worksheet and the selection of an alternative sampling method.

Prior to the addition of any field tests, the sampling worksheet can be deleted. Once a field test is added, the Delete button on the sampling worksheet will be hidden until all field tests are deleted. This is necessary because the already added field tests may not be compatible with the other sampling methods that are available for selection.

Although the sampling worksheet cannot be deleted from the concrete sample document while field tests remain added, users are still allowed to delete the whole sample or work order, if desired.

Field Tests

This section is shown once a sampling method worksheet is added.


If the sampling method permits field tests, this section includes a dropdown menu with a list of available test methods. When you select a method from the dropdown and click the Add button, the corresponding field test worksheets will be included on the sample.

The Add button for field tests is initially disabled and becomes active when a selection is made from the dropdown menu. Once a field test is added to the worksheet, it will no longer appear in the dropdown list, preventing the addition of multiple instances of the same test.




This section contains set(s) of specimens associated with the concrete sample and includes embedded worksheets for Making and Curing and Laboratory Tests.


Adding Specimens

Specimens are created by selecting from a dropdown containing a list of Specimen Set templates or creating them manually.

The Add Specimen Set button is initially disabled. It is enabled when a selection is made in the dropdown.

To add specimens, you must first select a template from the dropdown menu, then click the Add Specimen Set button.


This action creates a new Set subsection within the Specimens section, which combines both sample and specimen information. This subsection is titled Set N where N is an incrementing number for each set present on the sample.

It is possible to add more than one specimen set to a sample to cater for the requirement to conduct different types of tests on the same sample.

If no suitable template is available in the dropdown list, the user may elect to use the No Template option from the dropdown list. When selecting the No Template option to add a set, the user will first be presented with the following fields to fill in.


The Type and Making and Curing method will need to be selected before any individual specimens can be added.

Specimen Set Templates

These templates contain pre-defined sets of cylinders, cubes, prisms or other specimen types that are created for specific laboratory testing as part of concrete sampling and field testing. The laboratory testing that is to be undertaken on the defined specimens is also pre-selected.

The Specimen Set templates shown in the Specimens dropdown list are those that:

  • Are available in the current laboratory AND

  • Have the same sampling method as the method selected on the current concrete sample

For a more detailed description of Specimen Set Templates, refer to the article: Concrete Specimen Set Templates List

Making and Curing

The Set subsection includes an embedded Making and Curing worksheet that captures data relevant to the set as per the sampling method selected. Different versions are available for various testing jurisdictions and standards bodies. See Making and Curing Specimens in QEST Web App for more details.


Laboratory Tests

This section is located at the bottom of a Set subsection and becomes visible when a Specimen Set Template is selected and added. If the template contains any pre-defined laboratory tests, they will be added, and a link to the testing worksheet is displayed in the Laboratory Tests section. When using the No Template option or if additional tests are needed, they can be added manually by selecting the desired test from the dropdown list and then clicking the Add button


The dropdown list is populated after Sampling Method and Specimen Type are both selected.




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