Concrete Sample Logging for QEST Web App
Applies to
When concrete specimens are brought from the work site to the laboratory, the details of the specimens, and their samples, need to be recorded. This article explains how the QEST Web App External Concrete Sample Logging process is used to record information for concrete specimens and samples.
When concrete specimens arrive at the laboratory, what happens next depends on whether the specimens belonging to a concrete sample have already been registered in the QEST Web App (QWA) or not.
A specimen has been registered when it has been recorded as belonging to a specimen set associated with a sample.
If the specimens have been registered, the Concrete Specimen Receipt process is used to record the date the specimens were received and the curing details of the specimens.
If the specimens, or sample, have not been registered, use the Sample Logging process to record the sample's details and/or register the specimens. Once the registration process is completed, the Concrete Specimen Receipt process can be applied to the specimens.
For more information, see the article: Concrete Specimen Receipt for QEST Web App .
This worksheet contains a wide grid for some values.
When using tablet devices, landscape orientation will allow more of the grid to be shown at once.
Getting Started
The process for logging a concrete sample is found in the Integrated Data Entry menu.
Note that when the Concrete Specimen Receipt process is required, it is found in the same menu.
Initial View
Initially, a New Work Order button and a Work Order Search section are visible.
If a work order applicable to the received concrete specimens already exists, the Work Order Search section can be used to find and load the relevant work order.
If no such work order exists, the New Work Order button can be used to create a work order and sample for the specimens.
Creating a Work Order
Clicking the New Work Order button opens a New Work Order dialog.
When the Create button is clicked a new work order is created and the Work Order Search section is reloaded with the new work order and its details pre-populated.
Finding a Work Order
The Laboratory dropdown contains a list of only the laboratories that the current user has access to.
Since the list of available work order IDs is likely to be large, all of the other fields can be used to filter the Work Order ID field to reduce the size of this list.
A user can select, or type, a work order ID in the Work Order ID field. If a matching work order exists, the required work order is loaded into the worksheet. If a work order with the entered work order ID cannot be found, a message to that effect is shown in place of the work order ID list.
Data Entry Section
This section has two parts:
Work order header;
Sample grid.
Work Order Header
A sampling method needs to be selected before new samples can be added. This selection affects which fields, in addition to those on the concrete sample, are available in the sample grid for editing.
For convenience, a default sampling method is pre-selected.
This selection may have to be changed to match the requirements of a new sample.
If the sampling method has to be changed, it should be done before a new sample is added.
Sample Grid
A loaded work order may have none, one or more samples already attached to it.
Once a work order has been loaded, users can add new samples or delete, or modify, existing samples as required, using this newly visible data entry section.
Adding a Sample
The (Add) button is used to add a new sample to the work order. Each new sample makes up a row in the sample grid.
When a sample is added, it is automatically assigned a sample ID.
This sample ID is represented in the sample row as a link to a Sample Document created when the sample is added.
Assigning a Set
Possibly the most important function of the sample row is to assign a Set to a sample. The process begins with the selection of a set template from the dropdown list.
Note that the Nominal Size value can be changed after a set template has been selected. If it is changed, the currently selected set template can then also be changed, if required.
Name | Description |
Set Template | A list of available specimen set templates that match the selected sampling method . |
Set Prefix | A group of characters that identifies the set and forms part of a specimen’s ID. |
Specimen Type | The type of a specimen is based on its shape, normally one of the following: Cube, Cylinder or Square Prism. Value is supplied by the selected set template. |
Nominal Size | A list of the values for the dimension by which the specimen type is categorised. |
Modifying a Sample
Samples that are already present on selected work orders can be edited to change existing values or to have data added to empty fields. The value of any field that is not locked, or not read-only, can be changed.
If a work order contains samples that use different sampling methods, make sure that the correct sampling method is selected for the sample that you are trying to edit.
Removing a Sample
A (Delete) button is provided for each sample row in case the row proves to be unnecessary or incorrect.
If a work order contains samples that use different sampling methods, a row cannot be deleted unless the correct sampling method is selected for the sample that you are trying to delete.
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