Particle Size Distribution by Sieving Tests

Particle Size Distribution by Sieving Tests

Applies to QEST Web App

This article provides an overview of the QEST Web App (QWA) approach to particle size distribution tests by sieving and describes the functionality of the common parts of the worksheets.



There are a number of elements common to various particle size distribution (PSD) worksheets in QEST Web App (QWA). This article, and its related articles, provide an overview of the QWA approach to PSD tests by sieving, and document the functionality of the common parts of worksheets for this type of test.

As PSD tests by sieving are commonly referred to as sieve tests or sieve analysis tests, these tests will be referred to as sieve analysis tests in these articles.

These articles assume that the reader is familiar with the processes in carrying out a sieve analysis test and it is not intended to be an explanation of how to carry out this type of test.

Because there are differences between specific standards, or test method bodies, it is necessary to refer to articles specific to a test method or standards body for individual details.


QEST Web App Fundamentals

Users new to the QEST Web App can find basic information in the articles under Using QEST Web App

Details on selected individual test methods are provided in the articles under Test Method Details

QEST Web App and Sieve Analysis Testing

The design of the QEST Web App worksheet presents the data input fields in a sequence that is intended to mimic the actual laboratory workflow for the applicable test method, with data entry performed in real time by the technician at the bench.

Structure of a Sieve Analysis Worksheet

The appearance of this section can differ by test method. Example PSD by Sieving QWA Worksheet


A sieve analysis worksheet has three parts: a beginning, a middle and an end. Each of these parts contain multiple worksheet sections.







Test Preparation
Specimen Preparation

Sieve Portion Preparation
Portion Sieving

Tested By

The names, and number of the sections in the beginning and end parts are largely standardized for most sieve analysis tests. The internal structures of these sections have been unified as much as possible to keep a common look and feel between the different sieve analysis worksheets.

The middle part is much more dynamic and is where the main functionality of the worksheet resides. For a sieve analysis test, this part can contain two or more sections depending on the number of separations (splits) that are required during the sieving, and whether or not washing of the material is required.

Section Descriptions

The following descriptions are generic and do not necessarily apply fully to all sieve analysis worksheets.


Typical Section Name


Typical Section Name



This is a standard section and every worksheet has one.
It has a fixed format.

Test Preparation

  • Typically contains one or more radio button groups that are used to configure the test procedure.

  • Additionally, for sieve analysis tests:

    • Displays an option for selecting how sieves are added.

    • Displays the number and size of separating sieves to be used.

    • Displays a button to initiate the management of separations.

Specimen Preparation

  • Provides fields to record descriptions of the physical properties of the material being tested.

  • For sieve analysis tests, generally provides radio button groups to record the timing of drying and washing the material during the test.


Typical Section Name


Typical Section Name


Sieve Portion Preparation

Records all the information required to describe how the total dry mass of the material used in the sieve analysis test is determined and calculated.

Portion Sieving

Records the actual sieving operation:

  • Sieve set used

  • Grid to record masses and perform calculations.

The name and number of Portion Sieving sections will vary, based on the test method and the number of separations (splits) required.



Records the details of separations (splits):

  • Separating sieve size

  • “Before” and “after” masses

  • Subsample weighing details.

The name and number of Separation sections will vary, based on the test method and the number of separations required.



Details of the washing operation and associated drying process.


Typical Section Name


Typical Section Name


Tested By

This is a standard section and every worksheet has one.
It has a fixed format.


  • This is a standard section in that every worksheet has one.
    The internal format varies from test to test, although similarities will obviously occur between related tests types.

  • This section may contain results that are optional, as well as those that are required, for reporting.


This is a standard section and every worksheet has one.
It has a fixed format.

Configuring the Sieving Procedure

The simplest form of a sieve analysis test is where all the test portion is dry sieved through a single set of sieves.

Depending on the test method, this could be the default worksheet procedure, especially for materials like clean, dry, sands and gravels or aggregates.

Sieve analysis worksheets can have various default configurations. Where a default configuration does not match a customer’s normal processes, it may be possible to customize the default values (see below).

Additionally, the worksheets have local configurations that the user can apply to suit different situations and circumstances encountered during the testing process.

A test method can require the whole sample to be washed, or only the finer portion, and one or both can be optional in other cases. The sieve analysis worksheets provide washing options to cover these situations.

Customizing Default Values

Not all default values can be changed by a customer. But, where they can, it is done through the QEST Administration Console. If you need assistance, contact the Spectra QEST Service Desk.

The options discussed in this section are document level options in the QEST Platform. These affect the operation of the system as a whole where changing the option changes the functionality for everyone using an instance of the QEST Platform. As a result, the ability to change these options is generally limited to users with the System Administrator right.

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