Sieve Analysis Washing

Sieve Analysis Washing

Applies to QEST Web App

This article provides an overview of the Washing section in QEST Web App sieve analysis worksheets.



The appearance of this section can differ by test method.

While there are a variety of formats in Washing sections between the different sieve analysis test methods, the basic features are:

  • The recording of the equipment used in washing and drying the test portion.

  • The recording of the drying process used to determine the test portion dry mass.

  • The calculation of the percentage, and/or mass, of the test portion that is finer than the washing sieve.

Not all worksheets have a washing section. Some test methods use a separate test method for the washing process and this is typically implemented as an embedded test in the Separation section.


Additional Functions

The following functions may be encountered, in some form, as additions to the washing process.

Particle Size

In some circumstances, knowledge of the maximum particle, or grain, size in the washed portion of the sample is required.

Depending on why it is required, this information can be in the form of a particle (sieve) size or a description.

Allows the user to record the overall grain size of the washed material in descriptive terms.

Washing Additives

Wetting or dispersing/dispersal agents are often added to the water that a test portion is soaked in prior to washing. Some test methods require that the presence, or absence, of these agents be recorded. In some cases, the name of the agent may be required to be recorded, as well.


Allows the user to record whether or not a dispersing agent was added to the soaking water.


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