Adding Sieves, Refreshing Sieves

Adding Sieves, Refreshing Sieves

Applies to QEST Web App

This article provides an overview of adding and refreshing sieves in the Test Preparation section in QEST Web App sieve analysis worksheets.


Adding Sieves

This functionality will usually exist on most sieve analysis worksheets.


There are three ways to add sieves to the worksheet:

  • Individually

  • Using a sieve set

  • Applying a specification.

While individual sieves can be usually added at any time, the Sieves Are Added option selects the basis for adding multiple sieves to the worksheet, simultaneously.





The sieves to be used have been added to a sieve set equipment item and will be added to the worksheet by selecting the sieve set.

See Sieve and Sieve Set Properties for more information.

Requires that a specification containing a list of sieves has been applied to the sample.
If this is the default selection, the worksheet will automatically add those sieves when it is created.
If not, clicking the Refresh Sieves button will add the required sieves.


Specifications applied to samples for sieve analysis testing in the QEST Web App behave in the same way as for legacy QESTLab sieve analysis tests. That is, specifications can:

  • Define which sieves are reported

  • What precision the result is reported to

  • Whether limits are shown and applied on a given sieve.

It might seem obvious, but it is worth noting that specifications are applied directly to the above calculated results.

This means that the applied specification must be based on the same calculation method that the worksheet uses. A test carried out on a material to calculate percent retained values will need a separate, different, specification configured compared to a test on the same material which calculates percent passing values.

For more details about Specifications, see the article WIP Managing Specifications (2 B archived, but not yet!)archived .

Refreshing Sieves

This functionality will usually exist on most sieve analysis worksheets.


Clicking this button updates a worksheet so that its sieve data entry matches either the selected sieve set or the applied specification.

  • If there are sieves already present, those that don’t match the selected sieve set or specification will be removed. However, any sieves that already have mass data entered will not be removed, even if they are not part of the selected sieve set or specification.

  • Any sieves that are part of the selected sieve set or specification that are not already present, will be added.

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