Plastic State Concrete Data Entry for Commercial Testers

Plastic State Concrete Data Entry for Commercial Testers

QEST Platform 4.92 and 4.93
Applies to QESTField Tests

This article and the articles linked to from here describe the data entry process for plastic state concrete tests and measurements in QESTField Tests.



Plastic state concrete results are entered into QESTField through the use of the New Concrete Field Testing workflow. This workflow is quite flexible and fully featured, allowing results to be entered for different types of concrete as well as the registration of specimens created.

The data entry process for plastic state concrete results and measurements is broken up into a number of phases, presented on different pages of the workflow and described in further detail below:

  • Product Information (PI)
  • Field Data (FD)
  • Technician Summary (TS)

Additionally, there are a number of optional phases that can be used to enter data for Mass per Unit Volume (MPUV) testing or for Consistency of Self Consolidating Concrete (SC).

Product Information

The first phase of the workflow allows for the entry of data related to the mix under test as well as general information about the testing itself.

Field PromptExpected Information
Sample IDAutomatically generated ID for the sample under test.
SupplierThe supplier of the concrete. From QESTLab's concrete supplier list.
PlantThe plant that the concrete was batched at. From QESTLab's concrete plant list.
ProductThe concrete product that was purchased. From QESTLab's concrete mixes list.
Mix CodeThe underlying mix code of the purchased product, if known. From QESTLab's concrete mix code list.
GradeThe grade of the concrete under test
F'c (MPa)The required compressive strength of the concrete under test
Flexural GradeThe flexural grade of the concrete under test, if applicable.
Flexural F'c (MPa)The required flexural strength of the concrete under test, if applicable.
Design Strength (MPa)Design strength of the concrete under test, can be higher than required strength.
Maximum Aggregate Size (mm)The maximum aggregate size used in the concrete mix.
Design Slump (mm)The design slump value of the concrete under test, if applicable.
Design Grout Flow (s)If grout is under test, the design grout flow value in seconds, if applicable.
Design Slump Flow (mm)If self-consolidating concrete is under test, the design slump flow in mm, if applicable.
Design T500 (s)If self-consolidating concrete is under test, the design T500 value in seconds, if applicable.
Date BatchedThe date batched. Setting the date batched (automatically or manually) will also set date cast to the same value if date cast is blank when date batched is set.
Time BatchedThe time the concrete was batched.
Date Cast

The date cylinders were cast. This value may be set automatically to the work order work date, today's date or be left blank depending on the value of the concrete sample document level option named Default Date Using QESTField.

Setting the date cast (automatically or manually) will also set date batched to the same value if date batched is blank when date cast is set.

Document Level Options

System Administrator user rights and access to the QEST Administrator Console are required in order to change the value of the Default Date Using QESTField concrete sample option.

Sampled ByThe technician that sampled the fresh concrete. Automatically set to the currently logged in user but can be changed. The list is composed of People records in QESTLab that also have a login.
Sampling LocationSampling location per AS 1012.1 Clause 6.
Sampling ProcedureThe sampling procedure used. From QESTLab's Concrete Sampling Procedures list.
StandardThe standard body being used to complete testing and that any laboratory specimens will be tested to (AS or RMS)
CompactionCompaction method used for compressive strength specimens. From QESTLab's Concrete Compaction Method list.
Flexural CompactionCompaction method used for flexural strength specimens. From QESTLab's Concrete Compaction Method list.
Grout CompactionCompaction method used for grout specimens. From QESTLab's Concrete Compaction Method list.
WeatherThe weather at time of test. From QESTLab's Weather list.

Field Data

The field data phase of the workflow allows for the entry of test results, location information as well as information related to the creation of laboratory testing specimens.

General Data

Field PromptExpected Information
Sample IDAutomatically generated ID for the sample under test.
Field Sheet Number

The field sheet number for the sample which will be used as the prefix for the individual specimen IDs for any specimens created on this concrete sample.

This number can be automatically generated and may be read-only depending on the configuration used. The field sheet number can be

  • Generated by a counter, in which case the field will have a set format as defined in the QEST Administrator Console for the counter and will be read-only, or 
  • Based on the sample ID, in which case it will be generated as the numeric part of the concrete sample ID and will be editable (in the case where client provided or predetermined field sheet numbers are used)
  • Not be generated at all and need to be manually entered

Field Sheet Number

The behaviour for the field sheet number field will be determined by configuration present in the QEST Administrator Console, which requires system administrator rights to access and the chosen setting will apply system wide.

The desired behaviour can be achieved by completing the following configuration:

  • To generate field sheet number based on a counter, a counter must be defined on the FieldSheetNo field of the concrete sample
  • To generate the field sheet number based on the sample ID but be able to overwrite with a manual value, no counter should be defined on the FieldSheetNo field of the concrete sample and the Concrete Sample option called Disable Set No. (FSN) Linking, is set to False
  • In order to always manually enter this value no counter should be defined on the FieldSheetNo field of the concrete sample and the Concrete Sample option called Disable Set No. (FSN) Linking, is set to True.
TruckThe truck number of the truck delivering the concrete.
DocketThe docket number for the batch.
Load Size (m³)The load size in the truck in cubic metres.

Progressive Load (m³)

The cumulative/progressive load size in cubic metres.
LocationThe location that the concrete is being placed.
Water Added Before Test (L)The amount of water, in litres, that was added to the concrete prior to sampling and testing.
Water Added After Test (L)The amount of water, in litres, that was added to the concrete after sampling and testing.
Time SampledThe time of sampling of the concrete.
Time MouldedThe time that specimens (if any) were moulded.
ThermometerThe thermometer used, from QESTLab's equipment registry.
Slump ConeThe slump cone used, from QESTLab's equipment registry.
Air MeterThe air meter used, from QESTLab's equipment registry.
Consistency Measured BySee the Consistency Testing section for more information about this field.
Measured Slump (mm)See the Consistency Testing section for more information about this field.
Second Slump (mm)See the Consistency Testing section for more information about this field.
Super Plasticised Slump (mm)See the Consistency Testing section for more information about this field.
Measured Grout Flow (s)If grout is under test, the flow in seconds, if applicable.
Apparent Air Content (%)The apparent air content as read from the gauge, in percent.
Aggregate Correction (%)The aggregate correction of the air content.
Air Content (%)The calculated air content based on the apparent air content and the aggregate correction.
Air Temperature (°C)The measured air temperature, in degrees Celcius.
Concrete Temperature (°C)The measured concrete temperature, in degrees Celcius.
Measured Density MethodSee the Mass per Unit Volume Testing article for more information on this feature.
Sample RemarksRemarks on the concrete sample. These will appear on the concrete test report.
Internal RemarksA field for internal remarks that will not appear on the concrete test report.


For more information on the addition of specimens see Adding Specimens.

Consistency Testing

Slump Test

The most common consistency test is the slump test. By default this is the test selected for the concrete field testing workflow.

Field PromptExpected Information
Consistency Measured BySelect "Slump (AS)" for slump testing.
Measured Slump (mm)The measured slump.
Second Slump (mm)The measured slump of a second slump test if the first test is invalid. This result will be taken as the slump measurement if it is present.
Super Plasticised Slump (mm)The measured slump when a super plasticiser has been used.

Slump Flow

Consistency testing for self-consolidating concrete, is available in the form of slump flow and related tests either according to AS 1012.3.5 or the RMS B 80 specification using ASTM standards.


The availability of these other types of consistency testing is based on the tests licensed and made available at the laboratory where data entry is taking place.

For details on how to enter results for the relevant slump flow tests, refer to the articles below.

Slump Flow Testing (AS Standards)

Slump Flow Testing (per RMS B80)

Technician Summary

The technician summary will present to the user the observation results entered on the previous phases. This phase is intended as a double check of entered data prior to continuing with further samples. It also provides some control around whether or not optional results are reported.

Field PromptExpected Information
Report Concrete Temperature (## °C)If checked, the concrete temperature will be reported in the remarks section of the concrete test report.
Report Water Added Before Test (## L)If checked, the remarks section of the concrete test report will state that water was added before testing.
Report Water Added After Test (## L)If checked, the remarks section of the concrete test report will state that water was added after testing.
Report Slump Flow (### mm)If slump flow testing (AS/RMS) was carried out, the user will have the option whether or not to report the slump flow.
Report T500 (#.# s)If slump flow testing (AS/RMS) was carried out, the user will have the option whether or not to report the T500 result.
Report VSIIf slump flow testing (RMS) was carried out, the user will have the option whether or not to report the VSI result.
Report J-Ring Passing Ability (## mm)If slump flow testing (AS/RMS) was carried out, the user will have the option whether or not to report the J-Ring result.
Report Penetration Depth (# mm)If slump flow testing (RMS) was carried out, the user will have the option whether or not to report the Penetration Depth result.

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