Performing Nuclear Gauge Calibrations
QEST Platform 5.1 Documentation
Applies to QESTLab
The Nuclear Gauge Daily Count Check documents are used to perform daily checks on the Density Count and Moisture Count for a given gauge. The Nuclear Gauge Consistency Check documents are used to perform monthly checks on the Density Count for a given gauge. The following page describes how to configure a Nuclear Gauge equipment item to use these screens, as well as how to operate the test after it's set up.
Setting up Tasks
Ensure the daily check document of choice is licensed and role permissions have been set.
Select a Nuclear Gauge to configure under Equipment. Three types of tasks should be created - one for performing the daily check, one for the nuclear gauge consistency check and any number of others that will be due if the check fails.
Create a new task for the daily check (in the example below it has been called "Daily Count Check"). In the Task Details > Worksheet drop-down, select the Nuclear Gauge Daily Count Check document. Configure the schedule so that this task runs every day.
Any task on the Nuclear Gauge with a schedule set to "run once" will have it's due date set to "today" if the daily check fails - which will make the equipment "due for calibration". Create a minimum of one calibration task that will be due when the check fails (in the example below it has been called "Gauge Calibration"). This task's document can use any document desired, for simplicity the Generic Calibration is being used in the example below. Set the Task Schedule to run once for this task (with or without an initial date).
- Create a new task for the Nuclear Gauge Consistency Check. In the Task Details > Worksheet drop-down, select the Nuclear Gauge Consistency Check document. Configure the schedule so that this task runs every month. The Nuclear Gauge Consistency Check documents are used to perform monthly checks on the Density Count for a given gauge.
Performing the Daily Count Check Task
Select the Nuclear Gauge that contains the appropriate calibrations tasks from Using the Nuclear Density Count Daily Count Check Documents. If this is the first time entering a result, start the task by clicking Start Calibration. If the task has already began then click Open Calibration to add a new entry (shown below). The Daily Count Check screen should appear.
Click Add New Entry to create a new entry in the table. Fill out the details as required.
Note: 4 initial entries must be completed before calculations will begin to occur, as they are based on the previous 4 counts. If a Nuclear Gauge Daily Count Check document has already been completed for the same task, the last 4 most recent values will be imported from them. Multiple entries can be added in succession if required. This is useful for entering an initial 4 readings when first starting the task.
When finished entering data for the day, simply leave the screen.
If you view the Daily Count Check task again, you will notice that the Last Date Performed has been updated. This prevents the task from appearing as due until the next day, and changes the Due On date to the day after as well.
The Daily Count Check document is not intended to be finished after each use, but rather at the end of each month when starting a new cycle. To finish the document, click the
button. To start the task again, return to the task on the equipment item and click . As mentioned above, the new document will import the latest 4 results from the previous month's document to get started. These values can be modified if need be. Use the button as a shortcut to finish the current calibration and start a new one immediately. This will open the new screen ready for data entry.If one of the counts does fail the check, the Valid Count column for that count will appear in red as No.
If this occurs, then all tasks that are set to "run once" on that particular equipment item will be set to immediately due. The images below illustrate this. In this case the calibration task has been set due on the equipment screen.
Performing the Nuclear Gauge Consistency Check Task
Performing the Nuclear Gauge Consistency Check works in almost exactly the same way as described in Performing the Daily Count Check above, but with one difference. Rather than filling in 4 initial entries, one initial count column must be entered before remaining data will finish calculating. You must fill out the initial counts before the pass/fail checks can be determined each month.
Please note as well this worksheet is created once per cycle (typically a year), and then monthly entries are added each month to the same worksheet. By adding an entry, the parent task will recalculate its next due date. The document does not have to be finished after each use, but only at the end of a cycle. Once the cycle is finished click the button to end the calibration or click the button to start the new calibration cycle.
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