Moisture Content - Dry Mass Entry

Moisture Content - Dry Mass Entry

Applies to QEST Web App

The following article describes the dry mass entry grid for bulk entering dry masses on tests requiring a percent water content determination.



One of the main processes that aggregate and soil laboratories carry out is the drying of material in order to calculate a moisture content value. This can be done where the moisture content result itself is of interest as the final result or as part of a broader test where the moisture content result is fed into further calculations with other values in order to calculate the final result(s) of interest. Using the Moisture Content - Dry Mass Entry grid makes the process for the collection of dry masses efficient and quick and is a truly paperless way of capturing dry masses using only container ID as the identifier. The Dry Mass Entry grid displays all the containers associated with moisture content tests that are awaiting a dry mass result to determine the water content (%).

Loading the Moisture Content - Dry Mass Entry Grid

Selecting the Dry Mass Entry icon on the navigation bar or the link available on the right side of the home page, will load the dry mass entry grid.

Balance Selection

A balance must be selected before dry masses can be entered for pending moisture content tests. This balance will also be recorded in the Dry Mass Balance field applicable to the moisture content test, overwriting any other value (if present).

Equipment Status

The equipment status icon appears to left of the balance selection box on the grid. Further details about can found in the article Equipment Status.

Laboratory Selection

The user must first select a laboratory before active containers will be listed. Users with access to only one laboratory will have that laboratory selected automatically.

Active Containers and Tests

Active tests shown in the grid will be those that:

  • Are from the last 10 days.

  • Have a wet mass entered.

  • Do not have a moisture content result calculated.

  • Container sorting is by: Date tested (ascending), container ID (ascending).


Warnings can appear in one or two forms.


  • A value will appear in a different font color, if that value has been associated with a warning on the parent test. In the example above, the user was advised on the parent test that a minimum wet sample mass had not been achieved.

  • If the Tare & Dry mass entered is higher than the Tare & Wet mass, a red border will appear around the Tare & Dry field and the Water Content (%) will not calculate.

Water Content %

Once the dry mass is entered, the water content % is calculated automatically. If the moisture content is being used in a parent test the calculations within the parent test are run automatically as well. For example, calculations for an Atterberg Limits will run automatically once the moisture content test is complete.

Part Of

On the right side of the grid is a link to the parent test worksheet showing the short name of the relevant test worksheet and the Sample ID to which the moisture content test portion belongs.


The top right corner of the screen shows the saving status of the entered Tare & Dry masses via a Saved or Saving message along with a Refresh button.

Saving will occur automatically when the user moves out of the field.

Completed tests will not disappear immediately after calculation. Completed moisture content tests will be removed from the grid if the user manually refreshes the screen with the Refresh button, or navigates away from the grid and navigates back.



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