Air Content (AS 1012.4.2)

Air Content (AS 1012.4.2)

Applies to QESTLab

This page describes how to use the Concrete Sample (AU) screen to to record the results of the test for determining the air content of fresh concrete.



  • When a concrete mix is prepared in a laboratory, the air content of the concrete may be required to be determined in accordance with the test method AS 1012.4.2.

  • The results of this test can be recorded, and calculated, on the Concrete Sample (AU) screen.

Data Entry Fields



The fields relating to data entry for the air content test are located at the bottom of the Measurements frame, on the Measurements & Curing tab of the Concrete Sample (AU) screen.


Field Prompt

Expected Information

Field Prompt

Expected Information

Air Gauge Values (Two fields)

Data entry

Values obtained from the air content apparatus.

Air (%) Compaction

Dropdown list

Select the code representing the type of compaction used in the air content test.

  • The list content is based on the Concrete Compaction Method list.

Example list

Calculate (Left)


Controls behaviour of Apparent Air (%) field and the availability of the two Air Gauge Value fields.

  • If checkbox is unticked, Apparent Air (%) field is free entry and the Air Gauge Value fields are locked.

  • If checkbox is ticked, Apparent Air (%) field is a read-only calculation and the Air Gauge Value fields are unlocked.

Calculate (Right)


Controls behaviour of Air(%) field and the availability of the second Calculate checkbox, the Apparent Air (%) and the Agg.Corr. (%) fields.

  • If checkbox is unticked, Air(%) field is free entry and the second Calculate checkbox, the Apparent Air (%) and the Agg.Corr. (%) fields are locked.

  • If checkbox is ticked, Air(%) field is a read-only calculation and the second Calculate checkbox, the Apparent Air (%) and the Agg.Corr. (%) fields are unlocked.

Apparent Air (%)

Free entry or read-only calculation

The measured air content of the concrete mix.

  • If calculated, the Apparent Air value is the average of the two Air Gauge Values.

Only calculates if two values are entered and are within 0.2% of each other.


Data Entry

Air content measurement of the aggregate used in the concrete mix.

Air (%)

Free entry or read-only calculation

The actual (corrected) air content of the concrete mix.

  • If calculated, the Agg.Corr. value is subtracted from the Apparent Air content value.

More details

Detailed descriptions of the above fields can be found in the test method description.


Entering Air Content Data


  • All the fields are locked except for:

    • Air (%) Compaction

    • Air (%)

  • Both the Calculate checkboxes are unticked and the left checkbox is locked.

Step 1

Select the required Air Meter from the equipment list.

Step 2

Select the code for the compaction type used from the list for Air (%) Compaction.

Step 3

At this point there are three alternate ways that the air content result can be recorded:

  • Direct Entry of Final Result;

  • Calculate Final Result;

  • Calculate All Results.

Enter the test results using one of these methods.

Direct Entry of Final Result

Enter the previously calculated air content result into the Air (%) field.

Calculate Final Result

  1. Tick the unlocked Calculate checkbox.

    1. The Air (%) field will become locked.

    2. The second Calculate checkbox, the Apparent Air (%) and the Agg.Corr. (%) fields will become unlocked.

  2. Enter the appropriate values for Apparent Air (%) and Agg.Corr. (%).

  3. When valid values for both fields are entered, the Air (%) value will be calculated.

Calculate All Results

  1. Tick both the Calculate checkboxes.

    1. The Air (%) field will become locked.

    2. Both of the fields for Air Gauge Values and the Agg.Corr. (%) field will become unlocked.

  2. Enter the measured values for the Air Gauge Values and Agg.Corr. (%).

  3. When valid values for both the Air Gauge Values are entered, the Apparent Air (%) value will be calculated.

  4. When valid values for all three fields are entered, the Air (%) value will be calculated.

Reporting Air Content

Reporting of the air content takes place on the Concrete Test Report (AU) as described in the test method description.
Options controlling the reporting of air content are provided on the Options tab of the Concrete Sample (AU) screen.



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