Sieve Analysis: Portion Sieving, Sieve Set Selection, Sieving in Parts

Sieve Analysis: Portion Sieving, Sieve Set Selection, Sieving in Parts

Applies to QEST Web App

This article provides an overview of the Portion Sieving section in QEST Web App sieve analysis worksheets.



Depending on the number of separations applied, the worksheet can have one or more Portion Sieving sections. All sieving operations on a worksheet are recorded in these sections.

All Portion Sieving sections essentially have the same format:

  • Sample/portion mass information

  • Equipment selection
    - balance, sieve set

  • Buttons
    - Add Sieve, Sieve in Parts, Manage Separations, Refresh Sieves

  • PSD grid.


Portion Sieving Section

The appearance of this section can differ by test method.

Sieve Set Selection

Unless a specification has been selected to be used for adding sieves, the initial step in a worksheet sieving operation is to select a suitable sieve set for the operation.

Sieve sets are stored as QEST Equipment items and can be accessed like any other equipment item. For information about the Sieve Set equipment item, refer to Sieve and Sieve Set Properties

Selecting a Sieve Set populates the sieve column in the PSD grid.

If a suitable Sieve Set is not available, sieves can be added manually to the grid by using the Add Sieve button, or by using a specification.

If the selected Sieve Set has a designated size set on its equipment properties, this will be imported into the Sieve Set Size field.

If not, a dropdown list will be visible to select a Sieve Set Size.

The value in Sieve Set Size becomes the default sieve frame size for sieves added manually to the section.


The row of buttons provides access to various worksheet operations.





If required, this button allows a sieve, not present in the selected Sieve Set, to be added.

Also, if a suitable Sieve Set is not available, sieves can be added individually to the grid by using the button.

Sieves added in this way will be assigned the same value for sieve frame size that is assigned to the field Sieve Set Size.

When the mass retained on a sieve exceeds its allowed maximum, use this button to provide extra spaces to record the mass as sub-portions.

See Sieving in Parts, below, for more details.

This button has the same functionality as the button, with the same label, in the Test Preparation section Managing Sieve Analysis Separations (Sample Splitting) | Managing Separations .

This button has the same functionality as the button, with the same label, in the Test Preparation section Adding Sieves, Refreshing Sieves | Refreshing Sieves

PSD Grid

Sieve ID

The information in this field is technically optional, in that the calculations will proceed successfully, whether anything is shown here, or not.
For a value to be shown here, the required sieve must be entered into the Equipment List.

Individual Mass Retained & Cumulative Mass Retained

Both of these are always present.
One is available for data entry, the other is calculated, depending on the selection made for the Sieve Retained Masses Are option, in the Test Preparation sectionhttps://spectraqest.atlassian.net/wiki/x/wIAUwg .





Individual Maximum Masses

These values are the limits placed on the amount of material that can be processed on a single sieve during the sieving operation. The values of these limits are not uniform across all test methods, but are generally similar, and are typically calculated using sieve aperture size and area of available sieving screen.

For a value to be shown here, the Sieve Set Size field must have a value.

When a sieve has been overloaded, the value for the limit will be displayed in red and an error message will be displayed.

If overloading of a sieve occurs, the worksheet provides a process to complete sieving the fraction by using sub-portions. This process is initiated by clicking the Sieve in Parts button.


If a specification has been applied to the sample, the limits will be displayed next to each result to which it applies.

If a calculated percentage for an individual sieve is outside the limits, that value, and the limits, will be highlighted in red.

An error message is also displayed.

For more details about Specifications, see the article WIP Managing Specifications (2 B archived, but not yet!)archived .

Sieving in Parts

As mentioned above, this is a solution for the problem of overloaded sieves.

Clicking the Sieve in Parts button, when the weighing method Sieve Weighing Method, Weighing Pan Masses, Calculation Method | Sieve Weighing Method is Individual, adds two extra columns to the grid:

  • One for adding a second mass retained;

  • The other for displaying the total mass retained for the sieve.

Clicking the Sieve in Parts button, when the weighing method is Cumulative, adds an extra column to the grid for adding a second mass retained.

If the amount of material to be sieved is more than twice the amount allowed on a single sieve, additional masses can be added by clicking the Sieve in Parts button again, for as many times as needed.


Effects of Separations

Multiple Sieving Sections



Missing Values

If one or more separations have been added to the worksheet, an apparent problem can be encountered with the sieving process.

Unless the preparation method used was oven drying, the Specimen Total Dry Mass will not be able to be calculated and will initially be blank, even though data has been entered.

As a result, the Percent Passing (%) calculations will also be blank.


These missing values will be automatically added once the Fine Portion Dry Mass is determined and the calculation of the Specimen Total Dry Mass can be concluded.



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